- Dinner
- 冬の味覚【もものすけ】もものすけの甘さと生ハムの塩味ディル・カボス・レモンの香りがマッチした一皿🍋️ビタミンC・食物繊維が豊富️消化酵素のアミラーゼも豊富是非、旬の野菜をマハロで食べて健康な身体へThe Taste of Winter [Momonosuke] .The sweetness of momosuke and the saltiness of prosciutto hamThe sweetness of the momosuke and the saltiness of the prosciutto hamThe sweetness of the momosuke and the saltiness of the prosciutto with the aroma of dill, cabos, and lemon make this dish a perfect match.️ rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber️Rich in amylase, a digestive enzyme Please try Mahalo for seasonal vegetables!Eat and be healthy #福岡グルメ#大名グルメ#糸島農業#自社農園#自然栽培#無農薬栽培#野菜好きな人と繋がりたい #野菜のある生活 #野菜のある暮らし #ファイトケミカル#免疫力アップ #大人の食べ飲み放題#野菜食べ放題 #fukuokafood #fukuokacity #fukuokagourmet #fukuokatrip #japanfood