- Dinner
- 【旬を味わう】〜🧅新玉ねぎの肉厚ステーキ 橙の香りと〜新玉ねぎの最大の強みは、辛味が少なく甘味が強いということ!玉ねぎは本来生で食べるほうが人間の体に必要な栄養素はしっかりと摂れます。加熱することで栄養素は減少してしまう為MAHALOでは、いわゆる半生での状態で新玉ねぎの本来の味を楽しんでもらう為塩のみでの味付けとなっております肉厚でボリュームもあり、飽きがこないように自家製ベーコンで動物性の旨みと食感のアクセントにローストピーナッツを一緒に食べれるようにしており、より一層新玉ねぎの甘みを感じれると思います。是非旬の新玉ねぎを始め、内面的な美しさをマハロのお野菜料理で🥗 Taste the season 〜˜🧅Meaty steak of fresh onion with orange flavor and The greatest strength of fresh onions is that they have less pungency and more sweetness!and sweetness!Onions are naturally more nutritious to the human body when eaten raw.Nutrients that are necessary for the human body can be obtained when onions are eaten raw.Heating reduces the nutrients in onions.At MAHALO, we use the so-called "semi-raw" method.In order to let you enjoy the true flavor of the fresh onions, we only season them with salt.We season them with salt only .The meat is thick and hearty so that you will never get tired of it.Homemade bacon is used to add animal flavor androasted peanuts to accentuate the texture.and roasted peanuts to accentuate the texture,I think you can feel the sweetness of the fresh onions even more.We hope you will enjoy our fresh onions in season andMahalo for your inner beauty with Mahalo's vegetable dishes#福岡グルメ#大名グルメ#糸島農業#自社農園#自然栽培#無農薬栽培#野菜好きな人と繋がりたい #野菜のある生活 #野菜のある暮らし #ファイトケミカル#免疫力アップ #大人の食べ飲み放題#野菜食べ放題 #fukuokafood #fukuokacity #fukuokagourmet #fukuokatrip #japanfood