- Dinner
- 【アスパラガスの収穫】自社農園 でも育てているアスパラガスを収穫してるみたいに食べて欲しいと思った一品です☆アスパラガスは、シンプルに塩茹でをして甘みを楽しんで欲しいです滑らかに濾したマッシュポテトの上に様々な味付けをした挽肉で土に見立てていますので、アスパラガスのみで楽しんでもらい、後にマッシュポテトなどと楽しんでもらう一皿にしております一緒に飾りつけてあるハーブ【ローズマリー・タイム】も の無農薬栽培です!マッシュポテトとタイム、ローズマリーはとても相性がいいのでマッシュポテトとハーブとでも香りをダイレクトに味わえる一品となっております️是非mahaloにて食べに来てください🫛Harvesting asparagusWe are growing asparagus in our own farm's like harvesting asparagus.This is a dish that I wanted you to eat☆.Asparagus is simply boiled in salted water.I want you to enjoy its sweetness.On a bed of smooth strained mashed potatoeswith various seasoned minced meat to make it look like dirt.We use various seasoned minced meat as the soil on top of the mashed potatoes.I want you to enjoy it with the asparagus alone, and then later with the mashed potatoes and other ingredients.We have made a plate for you to enjoy with the asparagus alone, and later with mashed potatoes, etc. .The herbs [rosemary and thyme] that decorate the dish are also from herbs [rosemary and thyme] that decorate the dish are grown by without any pesticides!Mashed potatoes, thyme and rosemary go very well together.Mashed potatoes, thyme and rosemary go well together, so you can enjoy the aroma directly with the mashed potatoes and herbs.You can directly taste the aroma of this dish. ️Please come and try it at mahalo 🫛!#福岡グルメ#大名グルメ#糸島農業#自社農園#自然栽培#無農薬栽培#野菜好きな人と繋がりたい #野菜のある生活 #野菜のある暮らし #ファイトケミカル#免疫力アップ #大人の食べ飲み放題#野菜食べ放題 #fukuokafood #fukuokacity #fukuokagourmet #fukuokatrip #japanfoodTranslated with (free version)